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Religious Education


Intent Statement for RE

Hanbury’s Farm and Oakhill Federation is built on an ethos of inclusion and equality. Pupils will leave the Federation with a strong foundation of skills and knowledge in the key areas of Religious Education. The role of Religious Education is to help prepare and equip all pupils for life and citizenship in today’s diverse Britain.  The RE curriculum will develop pupils' knowledge and understanding of beliefs, cultural practices and world views in the local, national and wider community.

Curriculum aims are;

  • To be aware of the religious beliefs of Christians, Muslims, Jews and other World Views.
  • To be able to express sense of identity and values.
  • To develop social, spiritual and emotional skills appropriate to living in a religiously diverse society


  • From EY to KS2 the RE curriculum will align closely to the National Curriculum for RE (SACRE).
  • Pupils will be taught skills and knowledge appropriate for their age range. These graduate year-on-year and teaching and learning will reflect this.
  • Pupils will have the opportunity to meet people from different religious and philosophical groups.
  • All pupils will visit places of a religious significance during their primary education.
  • There will be opportunities for pupils to discuss, question and evaluate important issues in religion and philosophy.
  • Jigsaw RE will be used to deliver lessons across all year groups and key stages.
  • Children will study Christianity plus one other religion in KS1 and two other religions in KS2. Each religion has multiple units per year. This provides children with the opportunity to revisit prior learning for all religions and build on previous learning.
  • Informal assessment will be used to assess children.