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Hawthorn - Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to Year 1 with Mrs Greaves and Mrs McAllister!


School starts at 8:45am, with doors opening at 8:40am every day. 

3:00pm is the end of the school day. 

Weekly Homework Expectations:

Reading and signing that RWI phonics reading books have been read. 

Maths CGP homework books, pages will be set each week and books handed in weekly.

Key PE Information:

Our PE day is Wednesday.

Please send your child in with their PE kit to change into at school. Their PE kit can stay in school until the end of term.

Your kit should consist of  house colour T-shirt , black shorts or joggers and pumps or trainers. You can also wear a black hoodie or sweater to keep you warm outdoors.

Key Forest School Information:

Forest School is on Friday.

Please come to school in forest school clothing. We do provide children with an all in one suit to protect their clothing. Wellies are needed for Forest School.

Other Useful Links to support your learning in Year 1...


Phonics Games for the Classroom and Home - Phonics Bloom

